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Food and Skin: The mind and body effect

Food and Skin: The mind and body effect

We’ve all heard that we are what we eat, been in discussions about which food lifestyle is the best, what to eat, what not to eat, dizzied about in stores searching through labels and unfamiliar ingredients, and let’s just say it’s a gauntlet out there.

When it comes to feeling and looking good while doing right by animals and our environment, it’s easy to overlook some key aspects for wellness. Just as with skincare, how and what we eat affects our internal and external wellness directly.

Whether you’re subscribing to a lifestyle that is keto, vegan, vegetarian, or none of those, each choice can be rife with pitfalls. For example, the compassionate goal of vegan or vegetarian eating does not, unfortunately, guarantee a well-nourished, well-balanced body.


What to watch out for:


Vitamin B12 Deficiency

🌱 Because this nutrient is found in animal products, vegetarian, and, even more so, vegan diets are at higher risk for deficiency especially when combined with the factor of aging which affects the body’s absorption ability. 


🌱 What does B12 do?  DNA synthesis to replace old cells with new ones, forms red blood cells to bring oxygen throughout the body, supports nervous system functioning, and supports energy metabolism


🌱 Body symptoms: headaches, fatigue, bloating, gastrointestinal issues, nausea, mood fluctuation, and anemia


🌱 Skin symptoms: Pale or discolored skin, darkening of elbows, knees, knuckles, and dry or wrinkled skin


🌱 A few good alternative sources for B12: Nutritional yeast and dried shiitake mushrooms. Consider well-researched supplements to support your diet.


We know that plant-based does not always mean safe and healthy. Often vegan foods are ultra processed using dangerous chemicals and food coloring that work around FDA exposure limitations and are flat out banned in other countries around the world.  Chemical additives that are used in paint, varnish, cosmetics, byproducts of gasoline refining cause a list of harm that is lengthy and horrific, to say the least. Steer very clear of these common harmful ingredients (among others) in vegan meat.


🔎 Tertiary butyl-hydroquinone (E319) - immune system depressant, exacerbates asthma symptoms and allergic skin dermatitis in some individuals. Studies have suggested carcinogenic effects. 

🔎 Hexane - linked to neurological symptoms such as dizziness, headaches. Considered a neurotoxin.

🔎 Erythosine (Red #3, E127) - potential thyroid disruptor and preliminary evidence of hyperactivity effects in children


Once you’ve looked into labels and chosen your balanced meals there’s an important, easily overlooked step 2. Psychology.


These days it’s a common state of affairs to eat on the go, often times not even remembering what we ate or how it tasted. Mindless eating has led to poor eating behavior such as overeating, emotional eating, symptoms of a loss of awareness of giving the body what it needs.


The attention and intention given to the process of eating has been shown to directly affect well-being over centuries and across cultural practices. Mindful eating increases awareness of food choice, gratitude for the meal, and helps the body and mind process nourishment. This level of attention encourages chewing well, which in turn helps digestion, promotes proper portions, and builds healthier relationships with food and body image.


Other considerations:


Eating food in season

🍅 Seasonal fruit and vegetables are often harvested at their peak ripeness, which means they are more likely to be nutrient-dense and flavorful. When produce is allowed to ripen naturally on the vine or tree and is not subjected to long-distance transportation or extended storage, it retains more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

🍅 Buying food that is in season and locally grown supports local farmers and strengthens the local economy. It allows farmers to earn a fair price for their crops and encourages the preservation of farmland and agricultural traditions in the community. The need for long-distance transportation is minimized as well as the environmental impact associated with the production, packaging, and distribution of food. It also encourages sustainable farming practices and reduces the reliance on fossil fuels.

🍅 Cooking your own food allows control over ingredients, healthier cooking methods, and increased awareness and connection to the process. Sharing a meal is a great way to bond with loved ones and create lasting memories.

🍅 Bright colors in food often indicate the presence of various nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that are beneficial for digestive, eye, and skin health. Plus, it’s art on a plate.


The ever-present grind makes mindfulness and research difficult to keep up with but the investment is an important one as we strive to look and feel our best. Access to knowledge and resources is the first step and as we learn, we share, paying it forward in community and love.



At Ellovi we believe skin health is deeply connected to overall health and well-being. Our mission is to offer wellness using pure ingredients with safe and transparent methods. Self care is not just a luxury and it cannot wait. We’re here to remind you to invest in your health from head to toe, inside and out. 


Team Ellovi 🌺

Cruelty-Free Skincare | Investment in health on all levels

Cruelty-Free Skincare | Investment in health on all levels

Spring’s bloom is in full swing, bringing to mind growth, replenishment, and rejuvenation. Scenes of foraging animals, the scent of damp, green grass and droplets on rustling tree leaves float to the surface after a good rain. These associations remind us about the true interconnectedness of our experience with nature and nurtures a respect only possible with that awareness when it comes to our impact and the products we consume.  In the spirit of the season we renew our commitment to staying informed about all things cruelty-free and sharing that compassion with our beloved community. 


Cruelty-free progress today:


Although there’s been improvement in the prevalence of animal testing in the industry, there’s still a long way to go to end these harmful practices.  While a growing list of countries has banned animal testing, companies are using law loopholes to continue testing during some portion of their offshore product formulation process. A common practice is for companies in banned countries to pay for testing in places that actually still require it, like China, as long as other non-animal testing data is also included in their process. Big brands that have been confirmed to do this include Clinique, Maybelline, and Benefit, just to name a few.


How is animal testing justified today?


There are claims by governing and regulating bodies that animal testing is needed to show safety for workers handling products, however many studies have shown that often what’s deemed safe on tests with animals fails human tests, due to biological and environmental differences. In other words, animal testing is not reliable, and therefore not worth harm. 


Alternate testing methods:


Following the push to ban animal testing, there have been a number of alternate testing methods developed and reviewed. 

  • Human volunteers
  • Computer simulations by which advanced algorithms can be used to predict reactions to potential toxicity
  • In vitro-testing where cells can be grown to allow scientists to test reactions. Tissues donated can also be used for testing.

Should any ingredient’s safety necessitate animal testing beyond the above alternatives, we should ask ourselves why we’re working with something so potentially harmful to a living being. 

Word to the wise:

As we know the cosmetic and skincare industry is rife with claims for the cleanest, the most natural, compassionate, vegan, eco-friendly, and so on. Consumers have a mountain of a task trying to understand what is truly what without any real agreement on legal definitions and requirements, made much more complicated by international law and “workarounds.”


We stand behind a clear cut definition of cruelty-free, where it applies to any part of the supply chain of products. Many companies strive toward this ideal falling short using animal products, however to truly embody the goal in full, ingredients and products must also be vegan. The bottom line is that many companies can call themselves cruelty-free and still test in other, more lax countries.  


Though cruelty-free products tend to contain less synthetics, and often are natural and organic, the shift in consumer informed investment is a slow climb. Movements shifting deeply-rooted, convenient, and cost saving practices have led to companies taking shortcuts, and strategies in bad conscience. Investment in the health of our planet and its creatures, human or otherwise, stays at the base of every choice we make as a brand, and as consumers. This springtime, our values are renewed together with those of our community. Stay healthy, friends.

Where to check your facts:


🐇To keep the noise low, check your brand for PETA and bunny logos. 

🐇 You can also check your brand on vetted databases here:



At Ellovi we believe skin health is deeply connected to overall health and well-being. Our mission is to offer wellness using pure ingredients with safe and transparent methods. Self care is not just a luxury and it cannot wait. We’re here to remind you to invest in your health from head to toe, inside and out. 


Team Ellovi 🌺

Beyond Skincare | The power of touch

Beyond Skincare | The power of touch

The skin is our largest organ, working magically to protect us and decipher the various environmental inputs that it comes in contact with.  We put it through the wringer with exposure to all that is good and bad out there. Sometimes our skincare routine can be our only time with ourselves and our intentional time with someone we love. A great body butter with healthy ingredients and elevating aroma can be shared as a sensitive way to express affection and/or desire, increasing your awareness in love and care for yourself and others.


As we churn through days packed with duty and speed, our attention is pulled in thousands of directions, zooming us in on all that’s required to maintain our lifestyles, care for loved ones, and multi-task to extremes. It’s easy to miss red flags and cues our bodies send to alert us to issues that may trigger illness on a physical or mental level.   


Implications of deprivation and treatment


One trend observed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic has been what’s known as touch starvation or deprivation. In its extremity this state can lead to depression, anxiety, and increases in the stress hormone cortisol. The biological need especially apparent with baby development immediately from birth continues throughout life and is often placed at level with other basic needs like food, water, and air. 


Besides the well researched effects of touch on the thriving of newborns and infants, some studies have shown that touch can have beneficial effects on elderly people with Alzheimer’s. Studies have shown that touch strategies have profound effects on children with behavioral and trauma challenges. Even the smallest gestures of touch from friends, family, or partners reach deeper into our well-being than we might imagine.

The benefits of social touch


Stress Reduction: Touch triggers the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone" or "bonding hormone." Oxytocin helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.


Improved Immune Function: Research suggests that regularly experiencing touch can boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which help fight off infections and illnesses.


Enhanced Emotional Bonding: Touch plays a fundamental role in building and maintaining emotional connections between individuals. It fosters feelings of trust, empathy, and intimacy, strengthening relationships.


Pain Relief: Gentle touch can stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by the body. This can help alleviate physical discomfort and reduce perception of pain.


Improved Mental Health: Touch has been shown to improve mood and decrease feelings of loneliness and depression. It provides a sense of comfort and reassurance, promoting overall psychological well-being.


Reduced Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Engaging in comforting touch can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart-related conditions.


Enhanced Communication: Touch can convey a wide range of emotions and intentions, often serving as a nonverbal form of communication in ways that words alone cannot.


Stimulation of the Nervous System: Human touch activates pressure receptors under the skin, sending signals to the brain that can promote relaxation and decrease stress responses. It also helps regulate the nervous system, promoting overall balance and well-being.


Improved Sleep Quality: Gentle touch has been shown to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. It can help individuals fall asleep faster and experience deeper, more restorative sleep.


Promotion of Growth and Development: Human touch is essential for the healthy development of infants and children. Skin-to-skin contact, in particular, has been shown to promote bonding between parents and babies, regulate body temperature, and support early cognitive and emotional development.

Social touch is a fundamental aspect of human experience with physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. Incorporating regular, positive touch into daily life can lead to improved well-being and stronger interpersonal connections. It holds power to bind and break connections and have profound effects on feelings of safety, and well-being. It is our first sense to develop, the first form of communication we can access, and the means with which we learn and develop our sense of self.  


Truly healthy skincare reaches beyond the skin, working to improve levels of wellness and connection. Touch and skincare go hand in hand as we work to stay in tune with ourselves and one another in the currents of a post pandemic, individualized trending society.


All hearts and flowers aside this Valentine’s Day, the gift of time, touch, and loving attention to yourself and to another, can start with the simple beauty of a caress.


At Ellovi we believe skin health is deeply connected to overall health and well-being. Our mission is to offer wellness using pure ingredients with safe and transparent methods. Self care is not just a luxury and it cannot wait. We’re here to remind you to invest in your health from head to toe, inside and out. 


Team Ellovi 🌺